Sunday, October 08, 2006

My Last Post

This is my last post for this blog...
My new adventures start here...

Do You Not Know?

Do you not know how often I think of you?
If thoughts of you were transformed into roses
I could get lost in my endless rose garden

Do you not know how heavy my steps are?
Every single step as I go everywhere
Feels heavy 'cause I can't let go of you

Do you not know how much I long to see you?
I try to write words into the letters I send
But these words just can't bring me to you

Do you not know how deep I dream about you?
So much I can see you during daytime
Walking next to me as I fight off the day

Do you not know that I am torn between
To have a good life or to have a good love?
Both choices equally painful yet desirable

Do you not know that I love you?

Maybe you do not.
Otherwise you would have expected me to say
I love you.

But just in case you do...

I do love u...

for my special someone...wherever you are...

Friday, September 15, 2006

Salah satunya...

waktu g baca harpot waktu itu..rasanya...g pernah nonton...pernah baca... entahlah.. yg jelas g merasa males tuk bacanya...krn g merasa tau critanya...hmmm dia bilang g mimpi... tapi tapi... pas g baca itu buku.. g seolah tau 'n mengerti apa yg kan terjadi....???

menurut wikipedia
kalo deja vu
itu arti dlm bhs perancisnya : already seen
jadi seperti yg kita tau lah.. pas ngelakuin something tiba2 seems familiar
kalo jamais vu
itu pas ngelakuin something, kita tau kita pernah ngelakuin itu.. but feels unfamiliar...

yups... mungkin g mengalami salah satunya...


Friday, August 11, 2006


Jumat 11 Augst,
dah lama nga bisa ngeblog krn di block sama kantor ^_^ hehe ini kebetulan lagi lembur karena pindah server di us sana.. disana jam 8 pagi disini jam 7 malem...huhu... sekarang dah 1/2 9...tapi masih belum bisa mulai testing...
besok sabtu lagi...huhu ngantuk d >_< Thanks GOD besok sabtu...hehe
oya yg lg di kantor sebagian, dev ada aciang,budi,stefi,ferry 'n eka... qa ada jeff,iie,agnes,'n devy...
analyst ada mira,astrid,ramon 'n gw... ci edith tentunya ada..oya, tadi jam 6an kita dah dinner.. lumayan dikasih hokben gratis..^_^ dah lama jg ngak makan hokben...hehe
kantor rasanya dingin banget loh... berasa ac nya...brrr.. ini aja 24 derajat tapi rasanya dingin bgt...
oya bentar lagi ada yg ultah...hehe ngak terasa dah th ke 3 g kenal dia....waktu cepet banget berlalu...dah tua neh..
btw hasil ef juga dah keluar, g boleh ikut kelas toefl nya... asikk ^_^
tapi g kalah sama si botak... oya biayanya juga gede neh... huhu dari mana y... Tuhan aku mau ambil kursus ini.. buka jalan y Tuhan...jika memang sesuai rencanamu ^_^

hmmm time 2 get work i think..

Love U...